My second maternity shoot! My brother, Mike and his wife Jess. We waited until baby Lily was almost here to take these... 25 days before she was born to be exact. Jess' baby bump was showing beautifully. She had not gained an ounce anywhere but that belly! We started the shoot in the evening after a joyful house-warming party at Mike & Jess' new home in Ohio... since I was sleeping over and wanted to play with my camera! :)

There is a lot of truth to the picture above. As I mentioned before, these were shot after the house-warming party!

When morning came, Jess got ready and we decided to head outside to shoot some of just her and Lily.

Mike & Queso decided to join us because they could tell how much fun we were having!
They look like they were so happy being pregnant - don't be fooled.
They wanted that baby to be born already!

I drew little 'lillies' on the chalkboard, so I must have known it was going to be a girl!
We still have Mike's attention!
aannnnddd... Mike's pretty much done with the photo shoot.
Jess was just getting warmed up though! ;)
Please frame this, Jess!
Some super cute home-made onesies!
Cupcakes anyone? Or are they?
That's it until my beautiful niece, Lily Amber was born... like I said, just 25 days later! :)